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2012-11-05ArticleAlways an open ear: the census information services

Since 9 May 2011, many respondents in Germany have been questioned by the relevant statistical offices of the Länder in the 2011 Census.

MoreAlways an open ear: the census information services …

2012-10-27ArticleData protection in the 2011 Census

The 2011 Census currently is the biggest statistics project in Germany. Millions of data are managed and processed.

MoreData protection in the 2011 Census …

Pictogram - Buildings

2012-10-26ArticleResults on buildings and dwellings are important for urban and regional planning

For studies of the housing situation of the population, it is necessary from time to time to get updated information on buildings and dwellings such as the year of construction, the size and equipment of residential buildings and dwellings, vacancy rates and owner-occupier rates. Such information is provided by the census of buildings and housing for all municipalities, parts of municipalities and streets. This is why those results are particularly important for the municipalities.

MoreResults on buildings and dwellings are important for urban and regional planning …

This photo shows a census and population graphic

2012-10-26ArticleA detailed picture of the population: the results of the 2011 Census

It won’t be long before the census results will provide a new data basis for Germany: in spring 2013, the statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder will release the numbers of inhabitants for the Federation, Länder and municipalities, the results of the census of buildings and housing and first results of the household survey. More detailed evaluations will be made in early 2014.

MoreA detailed picture of the population: the results of the 2011 Census …

Pictogram - Demography

2012-10-26ArticleEveryone is eager to know the numbers of inhabitants

How many people live in Germany and where exactly do they live? These questions will be answered by the 2011 Census in spring 2013. The numbers of inhabitants are determined not only for Germany as a whole and its Länder, administrative regions and districts but also for all cities and municipalities and, in the city states, even for urban districts. This allows to draw comparisons within cities and between regions.

MoreEveryone is eager to know the numbers of inhabitants …

2012-08-31ArticleHow is anonymity ensured in the 2011 Census?

The statistical offices are often asked how it is ensured that individuals cannot be identified after the census results have been published. Here we explain how anonymisation of the results works in the 2011 Census.

MoreHow is anonymity ensured in the 2011 Census? …

2012-08-07ArticleReleasing the numbers of inhabitants from the 2011 Census

The numbers of inhabitants for the Federation, Länder and municipalities are expected to be released in spring 2013.

MoreReleasing the numbers of inhabitants from the 2011 Census …

2012-08-07ArticleThe check for multiple registration – in the 2011 Census everyone is counted only once

The official numbers of inhabitants are based on the municipal population registers. However, these registers may contain errors caused, for example, by double registration. The check for multiple registration ensures that all inhabitants are really counted only once in the 2011 Census.

MoreThe check for multiple registration – in the 2011 Census everyone is counted only once …

This photo shows the front page of: "Methoden - Daten - Analysen" 2011, Jahrgang 5, Heft 2

2011-12-01DownloadMeasuring the Employment Status in the Labour Force Survey and the German Census 2011

The employment status according to the ILO concept is required as a compulsory variable for the European census round. Due to its particular importance, the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) carried out extensive research in order to develop a suitable approach for the requirements of the household survey carried out under the census 2011.

2011-03-08ArticleInhabitants are counted throughout Europe

On 9 May 2011, a population census will be conducted in Germany for the first time since unification: the 2011 Census. With the 2011 Census, the statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder will determine how many people live in Germany and what their housing and working situation is like. Germany will thus participate in an EU-wide round of censuses, which will take place every ten years.

MoreInhabitants are counted throughout Europe …


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