2014-05-30ArticleMen twice as often in executive positions as women
According to the census results for reference date 9 May 2011, 6.8% (1.5 million) of the total of 21.4 million men in employment worked as executives (Corrections on June 10, 2014).
2014-05-28ArticleMore than a third of the households in Germany are single households
The proportion of single households in Germany is 37.2%; thus 17.1% if the population live alone. Among those 13.4 million people, just 17.6% are less than 30 years old. 42.0% of them live in cities with 100,000 or more inhabitants.
2014-04-10Article2011 Census: just under a quarter of foreigners originate from Turkey
There are just under 6.2 million foreigners in Germany. On census reference date 9 May 2011, Turks accounted for the largest group (1.5 million people or 24.4%), followed by Italians (just under 490,000 people or 7.9%). The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the number of inhabitants with Polish citizenship was roughly 380,000 (6.2%), those with Greek citizenship a good 250,000 (4.1%) and those with Croatian citizenship just under 210,000 (3.4%). These figures are based on the 2011 Census.