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Data protection in the 2011 Census

The 2011 Census currently is the biggest statistics project in Germany. Millions of data are managed and processed. From the population registers alone, some 88 million data records arrived at each of three different points in time. Every single piece of information from, and about, people is subject to the strictest data protection and data security provisions and is dealt with in the safe area of the statistical offices.

Data protection means that an individual’s personal data are protected from abuse. In the context of the 2011 Census, this means that no individual personal data must leave the area of the statistical offices. Therefore all data are secured by limiting access to the computer centres of the statistical offices through measures in terms of construction, technology and organisation.

Also, in each phase of the 2011 Census, further measures are taken to guarantee data protection and data security, safeguarding in particular the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of the data. Where generally accessible networks are used, suitable and state-of-the-art coding procedures are applied.
When evaluating the collected data, they are anonymised so that it is no longer possible to identify individuals.


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