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58% of all couples with children live in their own home

On the census reference date of 9 May 2011, 45% of all households in Germany lived in their own home. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the owner-occupier rate among all types of households was highest for couples with minor children (58%). One in two children under the age of 18 (54%) lived in a household that had its own home.

The owner-occupier rate was 54% among couples without children and only 28% among one-person households. It was however much lower for lone parents with children under the age of 18 (23%). When broken down by marital status, the proportion was lowest for never married lone parents (14%) as compared with divorced lone parents (24%).

The owner-occupier rate amounted to 48% among households whose members were all older than 64 years. However, there were distinct differences depending on the household size. Only 39% of all senior citizens living alone stayed in their own home. Contrary to that, 59% of all senior couples and even 70% of all households with three or more members aged over 64 lived in their own home.

41% of all couples with at least one minor child lived in their own one-family house. However, the proportion of lone parents with minor children living in that type of building was much smaller (12%). Above all, these parents lived in rented flats in multi-family houses with three or more dwellings (64%).

One in five singles aged above 64 (20%) and slightly more than one in three senior couples (36%) lived in their own one-family house. Nearly every third senior couple (31%) lived in a rented flat in a multi-family house with three or more dwellings. This applies to not less than almost 50% of all senior citizens living alone.

The average useful floor space per person was 43 square metres (m²) in Germany (census reference date: 9 May 2011). In owner-occupied property, the relevant floor space was larger (47 m²) than in rented dwellings (38 m²). Couples with a minor child had an average useful floor space of 35 m² per person. In a three-person household of one lone parent with two minor children, the relevant floor space was only 31 m².

As for senior couples, the average useful floor space was 49 m² per person (56 m² in owner-occupied property and 38 m² in rented property). The average floor space available to a person aged over 64 who was living alone amounted to 78 m² (in owner-occupied property: 100 m², in rented property: 65 m²). Above-average space was available to widowed senior citizens living alone. While it amounted to 82 m² for widows, it was even an average 86 m² for widowers.

Charts and extensive tables containing the most important census data, some with a detailed regional breakdown, are available for download on the website of the Federal Statistical Office and at

For further information:
Michael Neutze,
tel: +49 611 75 2410,
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