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2011 Census: reference date in five weeks’ time

WIESBADEN – In exactly five weeks’ time, that is on the census reference date of 9 May 2011, the population will be counted. For the first time in more than 20 years, the 2011 Census will record the number of people living in Germany and identify how they live and what they work. To adequately provide the population with detailed information on the census, the Federal Statistical Office will again intensify its associated public relations work in the weeks ahead.

Today President Roderich Egeler initiated the last phase of the information campaign at a press conference in Berlin. He campaigned for accepting the census as an extremely urgent survey. Mr. Egeler said that Germany needed a modern population census and underlined that the quality of the data would crucially depend on everybody’s participation. For this reason, providing detailed information on the census goals and procedures would be of enormous importance – as was also shown by the experience gained during the population census that was conducted in the 1980s.

To make the entire population aware of the forthcoming population census, the Federal Statistical Office will provide information on posters and in TV and cinema spots, too, in the next few weeks. The statistical offices of the Federation and the Länder have offered detailed information on the 2011 Census at Also, the Federal Statistical Office has set up the following telephone hotline for census purposes: +49 611/75-2011.

Regarding the 2011 Census, Germany has opted for a new register-based method using mainly information from existing administrative registers, above all population registers and the register of the Federal Employment Agency. Surveys such as a household sample survey and a census of buildings and housing will be conducted in addition. Thus only about one third of the population will be directly contacted in the 2011 Census, while the whole population will be indirectly covered by means of the register data used.

For further information please contact the Federal Statistical Office.

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