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2011 Census: Interviewers have a special identity card

WIESBADEN – Just one week to go before they are out and about. Starting on 9 May, some 80,000 interviewers will be on their way for the 2011 Census, the modern population census. The interviewers will perform a major part of the census – the household survey and a survey in residential homes and collective living quarters. One to two weeks before visiting the respondents, they will inform them accordingly in writing. When ringing the doorbell, interviewers first of all have to identify themselves by showing a special interviewer identity card.

In the top left corner of any interviewer identity card, there is the census logo and, optionally, the logo of the Land statistical office or the name of the survey office (1) and a number including the code of the relevant Land (2). Below that, there is information on the interviewer (3) such as name, address and date of birth. Other elements of the identity card are the card’s period of validity (4), the seal or stamp of the survey office (5), and the signature of the head of the survey office (6).

The interviewer identity card is only valid in connection with an official photo identification such as an official identity card, driving licence, or passport.

In some municipalities, the interviewer identity cards may differ from the example shown. More information is available at or at the relevant Land statistical office.

The 2011 Census is based on a register-based method – what is mostly used is data from administrative registers. In addition, the 2011 Census Act adopted in 2009 provides for a household survey to be conducted among about 10% of the population, a census of buildings and housing among a total of 17.5 million owners, and surveys in residential homes and collective living quarters.

For further information please contact the Federal Statistical Office.

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